libnick 2024.9.2
A cross-platform base for native Nickvision applications.
No Matches


A cross-platform base for native Nickvision applications.

libnick provides Nickvision apps with a common set of cross-platform APIs for managing system and desktop app functionality such as network management, taskbar icons, translations, app updates, and more.


Breaking Changes


New APIs




  • Fixed an issue where Flatpak deployment mode was not correctly detected


The following are a list of dependencies used by libnick.

All Platforms

  • gtest
  • jsoncpp
  • libcurl
  • libintl
  • maddy


The above dependencies must be installed, plus the following for Windows systems:

  • sqlcipher


The above dependencies must be installed, plus the following for Linux systems:

  • glib
  • libsecret
  • libuuid
  • openssl
    • Used for sqlcipher, as libnick manually builds sqlcipher on Linux as the vcpkg port is broken.


The above dependencies must be installed, plus the following for macOS systems:

  • glib
  • libsecret
  • openssl
    • Used for sqlcipher, as libnick manually builds sqlcipher on macOS as the vcpkg port is broken.

Consuming libnick via vcpkg

libnick is available through vcpkg.

Simply install and configure vcpkg for your system, and run:

vcpkg install libnick

You can then use libnick from cmake with the following:

find_package(libnick CONFIG REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(main PRIVATE libnick::libnick)

Building and Installing Manually

libnick uses vcpkg to manage its dependencies and cmake as its build system.

Ensure both vcpkg and cmake are installed on your system before building and installing libnick.

A C++20 compiler is also required to build libnick.

Configuring vcpkg

  1. Set the VCPKG_ROOT environment variable to the path of your vcpkg installation's root directory.


  1. Set the VCPKG_DEFAULT_TRIPLET environment variable to x64-windows
  1. Run vcpkg install curl gettext-libintl gtest jsoncpp maddy sqlcipher


  1. Set the VCPKG_DEFAULT_TRIPLET environment variable to x64-linux
  1. Run vcpkg install curl gettext-libintl glib gtest jsoncpp libsecret libuuid maddy openssl

macOS (Intel)

  1. Set the VCPKG_DEFAULT_TRIPLET environment variable to x64-osx
  1. Run vcpkg install curl gettext-libintl glib gtest jsoncpp libsecret maddy openssl

macOS (Apple Silicon)

  1. Set the VCPKG_DEFAULT_TRIPLET environment variable to arm64-osx
  1. Run vcpkg install curl gettext-libintl glib gtest jsoncpp libsecret maddy openssl


  1. First, clone/download the repo.
  1. Open a terminal and navigate to the repo's root directory.
  1. Create a new build directory and cd into it.


  1. From the build folder, run cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 17 2022".
    • To skip building libnick's test suite, add -DBUILD_TESTING="OFF" to the end of the command.
    • If you plan to install libnick, add -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=PATH_TO_INSTALL_DIR to the end of the command, replacing PATH_TO_INSTALL_DIR with the path of where you'd like libnick to install to.
  1. From the build folder, run cmake --build . --config Release.
  1. After these commands complete, libnick will be successfully built and its binaries can be found in the Release folder of the build folder.


  1. From the build folder, run cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release.
    • To skip building libnick's test suite, add -DBUILD_TESTING="OFF" to the end of the command.
    • If you plan to install libnick, add -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=PATH_TO_INSTALL_DIR to the end of the command, replacing PATH_TO_INSTALL_DIR with the path of where you'd like libnick to install to.
  1. From the build folder, run cmake --build ..
  1. After these commands complete, libnick will be successfully built and its binaries can be found in the build folder.


  1. From the build folder, run cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release.
    • To skip building libnick's test suite, add -DBUILD_TESTING="OFF" to the end of the command.
    • If you plan to install libnick, add -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=PATH_TO_INSTALL_DIR to the end of the command, replacing PATH_TO_INSTALL_DIR with the path of where you'd like libnick to install to.
  1. From the build folder, run cmake --build ..
  1. After these commands complete, libnick will be successfully built and its binaries can be found in the build folder.


  1. To install libnick to the system, from the build folder, run cmake --install ..
    • This command will export and install libnick cmake targets allowing you to simply use libnick in other cmake projects with the following:
      find_package(libnick CONFIG REQUIRED)
      target_link_libraries(main PRIVATE libnick::libnick)