libnick 2025.3.0
A cross-platform base for native Nickvision applications.
▼NNickvision | |
▼NApp | |
CAppInfo | A model for the information about an application |
CDataFileBase | A base class for json data files |
CDataFileManager | A manager of data files for an application |
CInterProcessCommunicator | An inter process communicator (server/client) |
CWindowGeometry | A model of a window's geometry |
▼NDatabase | |
CSqlContext | A sqlite function context |
CSqlDatabase | A sqlite (sqlcipher) database |
CSqlStatement | A sqlite statement |
CSqlValue | A sqlite value |
▼NEvents | |
CEvent | An event that can have handlers subscribe to it, which in turn will be called when the event is invoked |
CEventArgs | A base class for event arguments |
CParamEventArgs | An event argument that contains a single parameter |
▼NFilesystem | |
CFileSystemChangedEventArgs | An event argument for when a file system object is changed |
CFileSystemWatcher | A watcher of a file system folder |
▼NKeyring | |
CCredential | A model of a credential stored in a keyring |
CKeyring | A model of a keyring object for managing credentials |
CPasswordGenerator | A random password generator |
▼NLogging | |
CLogger | A logger of application messages |
▼NNetwork | |
CCurlEasy | An object for making easy curl requests |
CIPv4Address | A model of an IPv4 address |
CMacAddress | A model of a MAC address |
CNetworkMonitor | A monitor of the system's network connection |
CNetworkStateChangedEventArgs | An event argument for when the network state is changed |
CSocket | A network socket (an endpoint for communication) |
▼NNotifications | |
CNotificationSentEventArgs | An event argument for when a notification is sent |
CNotifyIcon | An icon for the Windows system tray |
CNotifyIconActionMenuItem | An actionable menu item for a NotifyIcon |
CNotifyIconMenu | A menu for a NotifyIcon |
CNotifyIconMenuItem | A generic menu item for a NotifyIcon |
CNotifyIconSeparatorMenuItem | A separator menu item for a NotifyIcon |
CShellNotificationSentEventArgs | An event argument for when a shell notification is sent |
▼NSystem | |
CProcess | A managed process |
CProcessExitedEventArgs | An event argument for when a process has exited |
CSuspendInhibitor | An object to prevent the system from suspending |
▼NTaskbar | |
CTaskbarItem | An item on the taskbar |
▼NUpdate | |
CUpdater | An object to check for application updates through GitHub |
CVersion | A model for a version number |