libnick 2024.9.2
A cross-platform base for native Nickvision applications.
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CAppInfoA model for the information about an application
 CDataFileBaseA base class for json data files
 CDataFileManagerA manager of data files for an application
 CInterProcessCommunicatorAn inter process communicator (server/client)
 CWindowGeometryA model of a window's geometry
 CSqlContextA sqlite function context
 CSqlDatabaseA sqlite (sqlcipher) database
 CSqlStatementA sqlite statement
 CSqlValueA sqlite value
 CEventAn event that can have handlers subscribe to it, which in turn will be called when the event is invoked
 CEventArgsA base class for event arguments
 CParamEventArgsAn event argument that contains a single parameter
 CFileSystemChangedEventArgsAn event argument for when a file system object is changed
 CFileSystemWatcherA watcher of a file system folder
 CCredentialA model of a credential stored in a keyring
 CKeyringA model of a keyring object for managing credentials
 CPasswordGeneratorA random password generator
 CLoggerA logger of application messages
 CCurlEasyAn object for making easy curl requests
 CIPv4AddressA model of an IPv4 address
 CMacAddressA model of a MAC address
 CNetworkMonitorA monitor of the system's network connection
 CNetworkStateChangedEventArgsAn event argument for when the network state is changed
 CNotificationSentEventArgsAn event argument for when a notification is sent
 CShellNotificationSentEventArgsAn event argument for when a shell notification is sent
 CProcessA managed process
 CProcessExitedEventArgsAn event argument for when a process has exited
 CSuspendInhibitorAn object to prevent the system from suspending
 CTaskbarItemAn item on the taskbar
 CUpdaterAn object to check for application updates through GitHub
 CVersionA model for a version number