libnick 2025.1.0
A cross-platform base for native Nickvision applications.
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Creating a Context Menu

The Nickvision::Notifications::NotifyMenuItem class provides an easy API for creating context menus for a Nickvision::Notifications::NotifyIcon to use within your Windows app.

Assume we want to create the following context menu for a NotifyIcon:

| Show Window |
| ----------- |
| Exit |

Here is the code we could use to accomplish this:

using namespace Nickvision::Notifications;
bool m_running{ true };
NotifyIconMenu contextMenu;
contextMenu.addAction("Show Window", [&]()
contextMenu.addAction("Exit", [&m_running]()
m_running = false;
NotifyIcon icon{ GetConsoleWindow(), "", contextMenu };
// The following also works:
// NotifyIcon icon{ GetConsoleWindow(), "" };
// icon.setContextMenu(contextMenu);
A menu for a NotifyIcon.
Definition notifyiconmenu.h:115
size_t addSeparator()
Adds a separator to the bottom of the menu.
size_t addAction(const std::string &label, const std::function< void()> &action)
Adds an action item to the bottom of the menu.
An icon for the Windows system tray.
Definition notifyicon.h:45
Definition notificationsenteventargs.h:31