libnick 2024.9.2
A cross-platform base for native Nickvision applications.
No Matches
Creating Your Own Data Files

The purpose of DataFileBase is to act as a base when defining your own data objects that you would like to be saved and retrieved from disk.

Here are some key points when defining your own configuration objects:

  • Your data object's constructor must take const std::string& key and const std::string& appName parameters and pass it to DataFileBase's constructor.
    • Although you will not use key and appName in your own implementation, it is required for DataFileBase's functionality and will be filled-in by the DataFileManager.
  • DataFileBase exposes a protected m_json object which you must use in your implementation of getting and storing variables of your data object.
    • If this m_json object is not used, your data object will not be stored to disk correctly.
  • You must explicitly call the save method on your configuration object when you want to save the configuration to disk. Writing to the m_json (of type boost::json::object) object is not enough to trigger saving the file on disk.

Here is an example of a custom configuration object using DataFileBase:

using namespace Nickvision::App;
using namespace Nickvision::Events;
class AppConfig : public DataFileBase
AppConfig(const std::string& key, const std::string& appName)
: DataFileBase{ key, appName }
bool getAutomaticallyCheckForUpdates() const
const boost::json::value& value{ m_json["AutomaticallyCheckForUpdates"] };
return true;
return value.as_bool();
void setAutomaticallyCheckForUpdates(bool value)
m_json["AutomaticallyCheckForUpdates"] = value;
//This object can now be used with the DataFileManager:
int main()
DataFileManager dfm{ "AppName" };
AppConfig& config{ dfm.get<AppConfig>("config") };
config.saved() += [](const EventArgs& e) { std::cout << "Config saved to disk." << std::endl; };
if(config.getPreviousCount() > 0)
std::cout << config.getPreviousCount() << std::endl;
config.setPreviousCount(6);; //above lambda will be invoked on success
return 0;
A base class for json data files.
Definition datafilebase.h:37
A manager of data files for an application.
Definition datafilemanager.h:41
A base class for event arguments.
Definition eventargs.h:32
Definition appinfo.h:32
Definition event.h:34